Appendix 1 - God concepts

God concepts

These fall into a general classification  that refers to the number of gods and the degree to which it is believed God is identical with, or is an immanent or  transcendent  force  operating in the universe. The following is a list of some of the God concepts adhering to this classification:

1. polytheism  (from Greek, polys, many + theos, god). The belief in the existence of many Gods. 

2. kathenotheism ( Greek from kath�en, one by one, +  theos, god) a form of  polytheism, or, depending on the perspective,, a form of  monotheism  or monism. Of the many gods named and believed in, each in turn ( thus, one by one) at a designated time of the year is worshipped and given the allegiance and respect  customary to a supreme deity, in the realization that each god only symbolizes one of the innumerable facets of  a more complex and fundamental reality  or God that is the source of all things.

3. henotheism (from  Greek,  heis  or  enos, one, + theos, god) a form of polytheism. Of the many gods that exist,one is their supreme ruler, to whom the others must give their loyalty and obedience.

4. dualism the belief that two gods exist, one a force for good, the other a force for evil, both vying for control of the universe.

5monotheism (from Greek,  monos, one, single, alone, one-and-only, +theos,god) the belief that there is one-and-only-one God.

6. pantheism (from Greek, pan, all+theos, god) the belief that God is identical with the universe. All is God and God is all. The universe taken as a whole is God. God and nature(universe, the totality of that there is) are synonymous, two words for the same thing.

7. panentheism (from Greek pan,all, + en, in, +  theos god) all things are imbued with God�s being in the sense that all things are in God. God is more than all that there is. God is a consciousness and the highest unity possible.

8. panpsychism  (from Greek, pan,all + psyche, sould,spirit,mind + theos, god)  the belief that God is completely immanent in all things within the universe as a psychic force ( mind, consciousness, spirit, soul).

9. theism  ( from Greek, theos,god) in most interpretations: God is partly immanent in the universe and partly transcendent.

10. deism (from Latin, deus,god) in most interpretations: God is totally transcendent, wholly other to the univers, and none of God�s being is immanent in the universe. (The Harper Collins Dictionary of Philosophy, 2nd edition.)

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